I am using nginx on Rackspace cloud following a tutorial and having searched the net and so far can’t get this sorted. I want www.mysite.example to go to mysite.example as normal in .htaccess for SEO and other reasons. My /etc/nginx/sites-available/www.example.com.vhost config: server { listen ...
Zonn.me Latest Questions
I’m trying to deserialize a nested JSON object to Data Transfer Objects with the Symfony Serializer in a legacy Symfony application, upgraded recently to 5.4. As soon as my JSON contains another object, the deserialization fails, when using the Symfony Serializer ...
When loading a public RSA key (generated in golang) openssl_public_encrypt('data to encrypt', $ciphertext, $public_key, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING); this error is returned openssl_public_encrypt(): key parameter is not a valid public key But if I generate a new RSA key in PHP and use that instead ...
A friend of mine is the CEO of his own small business. We’re not very close friends, but we know each other well enough to have visited each other’s houses for dinner and drinks a few times. His business is advertising ...
I’ve worked in Software Development teams my entire career and I’ve come to realize the spectrum of skill-sets is utterly staggering. Over the years I’ve managed to adapt my in-office behavior to handle utterly incompetent and lazy people. The way I ...
I am trying to find/change my career trajectory. Its a good cozy job, but I want something that I get excited to work on in the morning. Career change is hard, for a lot of reasons. So I cant just ...